Your Tax Dollars at Work! Street Improvements in Westwood circa 1920s-1940s (Membership Meeting)
Westwood First Presbyterian Church (3011 Harrison Ave–Parking & Entrance in rear off of Koenig Ave)
Road projects in Westwood are not a new thing, often occurring on the main streets as can be seen on Harrison Avenue in the business district currently. The 1920s through early 1940s was a major growth period in Westwood. As a result there were significant street improvements throughout Westwood that dramatically impacted the look and function of many of the streets.
Fortunately, the Highway Department had the foresight to document much of the work with before and after photographs. And fortunately, people saved the images! All too often irreplaceable images like these are destroyed or discarded.
We will be looking at some of these photos. Come and see what has changed and what has stayed the same – maybe you will see a street near and dear to your heart!