P.O. Box 11095
Cincinnati, Ohio  45211

We Invite You to Join Us!

Have you lived in Westwood a long time? Do you remember when the streetscape looked different? Or remember who lived in which house? Or remember how things came to be the way they are?
Come join us. Share your memories and insights!
Do you have old Westwood photos or memorabilia?
Come join us. Meet people who would love to see them!
Are you new to the area and wonder about the history of the Westwood community?
Come join us. Meet some neighbors and learn about your neighborhood!
Not able to attend meetings or volunteer?  If you enjoy history and learn something from the newsletters or meetings or events, you qualify to be a member!  You help us meet our goal of sharing Westwood history.  
Dues     $15 per year per household. 
Membership year runs January to January.  You can join anytime.  If you join after July, your membership will be extended through the following year.  Please send MEMBERSHIP FORM along with dues (payable to Westwood Historical Society) to Westwood Historical Society, PO Box 11095, Cincinnati, OH 45211.
Consist of short business meeting followed by speaker or program. 
  • Day and Time:  Second Wednesday of month (except January, June, and August).  7:00 pm
  • Location:  Varies.  Often at Westwood First Presbyterian Church (3011 Harrison Avenue - rear entrance off of Koenig Avenue).
Newsletters  Published 5 times a year. 
Articles generally relate to Westwood history. 
Find information about upcoming membership meetings and other meetings and events of interest.
Newsletters are automatically sent by e-mail unless you indicate you wish to receive them by mail.