P.O. Box 11095
Cincinnati, Ohio  45211

Welcome to Westwood Historical!

The Westwood Historical Society strives to collect and tell the personal human stories of ingenuity, determination, struggles, courage, strength and insight of those who molded our collective past.  Our hope is that in these stories you discover, or rediscover, the threads that make up our community’s rich tapestry.   You may even notice how modern and contemporary many of those stories seem today! Check out the events and programs.  Contact us if you would like to help or if you have stories or photos you wish to share!

A game designed just for Westwood
Westwood themed streets, tokens, and game cards in a format similar to Monopoly makes the game a special souvenir of Westwood and its 150+ year history. 
Now only $10
Available through 
Westwood Historical Society
Available at membership meetings and community events
Money raised goes toward activities and projects sponsored by Westwood Historical Society

October 9, 2024
7:00 pm
Your Tax Dollars at Work! Street Improvements in Westwood circa 1920s-1940s
Road projects in Westwood are not a new thing, often occurring on the main streets as can be seen on Harrison Avenue in the ...